“DeeAnn DiMeo’s Triumphant Return: It’s My Time Marks a New Chapter in Her Musical Journey”



After years devoted to family, singer/songwriter DeeAnn re-emerged in 2015 with her album It’s My Time, a blend of folk, pop, and jazz, now enjoying national airplay. This marked the beginning of a new phase in her career, following her 2017 release Desperately Seeking DeeAnn, produced by jazz bassist RiShon Odel. 


Inspired by her father, Buffalo jazz musician Frank DiMeo, DeeAnn embraced jazz and recorded heartfelt duets with him. She was inducted into the Niagara Falls Music Hall of Fame in 2018, but her journey was marked by tragedy when she lost her son, delaying the completion of “It’s My Time.” When she resumed, DeeAnn infused the album with deeply personal tracks, including a touching rendition of “You Are My Sunshine.” 


Originally from a musical family near Buffalo, DeeAnn found early success as a pop/rock and country artist before shifting to jazz and blues. She’s been recognized with multiple awards, including Best Jazz CD for her 2019 EP Stay Here. Tony Zambito of JazzBuffalo calls her “a soulful powerhouse and storyteller” who leaves a lasting impression on audiences. 



Hi DeeAnn, How are you today? I’m good, how are you, Gina? 


I’m awesome! Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me today. Thank you for taking the time to speak with me. 


It’s a pleasure. Now, DeeAnn, you’re in New York, but where are you initially from? I was born and raised in Niagara Falls, NY, and live in Grand Island, NY, about 20 minutes away. It’s a suburb of Buffalo, NY. 


Awesome. But nobody recognizes Grand Island, so I usually say Buffalo. 


Okay, that’s great. What do you like most about growing up there? I love being surrounded by the lakes. We have Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the Niagara River, and I live on an island surrounded by water. Although it brings our famous lake-effect storms, the water is so calming and soothing. 


DeeAnn, I really cherish my peaceful spots, so I’m on the same page as you. That place you mentioned seems perfect for reflection and sparking creativity. I’d love to hear about your childhood. When did you first discover your passion for music or recognize your singing abilities? I remember playing on the playground with the kids when I was about six or seven. I declared that I would be a star someday, even though I didn’t fully understand what that meant. I just knew I loved to sing and felt it was something I had in me. That was the beginning. I joined the choir in third grade, and from there, my involvement in music just took off. Half of my classes were music-related by the time I got to high school. 


I took the required classes, but I was also in choir, swing choir, and jazz choir and participated in solo competitions. My father was a beautiful jazz singer and did a couple of duets with me on my first CD. I recorded with him when he was 80 years old, just before he passed. Growing up with him always singing and scatting around me and trying to teach me was a cherished experience. 


It’s truly wonderful that you shared your music with your father. What a heartfelt memory that must be! Thank you for sharing that, DeeAnn. I would love to hear about how you began your journey to becoming a professional singer. What inspired you to take that first step? I started out by joining the local band scene and went to college for music therapy, earning an associate degree. I later obtained a bachelor’s degree in health and human services.  


Then, I entered the local music scene during my music theory studies and began touring with a band. We even converted a school bus into a silver and black “Shaggin’ Wagon” with “London Fog” written on it and toured the East Coast. That experience made me realize I had to keep going. 


So, you had the “Shaggin’ Wagon,” DeeAnn. (Laughs) That’s so cool! I love it! Was it a bit retro in appearance? 

Oh, definitely. There are stories from that time I probably won’t share on air. (Laughs) For example, when we had to make bathroom stops during long drives (Laughs) 


I can imagine! Have you had the opportunity to work with any notable artists or musicians throughout your career? Yes, when I moved into the country scene, I also did some pop work. I used to open for pop bands, but then I focused on country and performed at county fairs in New York State. I was honored to open for George Jones at the Erie County Fair Grandstand. 


That’s wonderful! At some point, your career paused, and then you returned. What did you do during that break? 

During the pause, my son was born, and I felt taking a break from singing to be with him was important. Afterward, I had my daughter. During that time, I sang in church, participated in a folk group, sang at funerals and weddings, and taught music to pre-K through 8th grade at the Catholic school my kids attended. As they entered their teenage years, I felt a strong urge to return to the stage with a live band. From 2014 to 2015, I re-entered the jazz world, which had always been my father’s dream. He used to tell me, “Dolly, we need to get you into jazz.” I finally found my love for jazz after exploring other genres. 


Absolutely. You came back to pursue your passion once your family responsibilities were managed. It’s important to understand that everyone has a purpose in life, and while one’s roles as a spouse, parent, or friend are vital, it’s also essential to nurture one’s own talents and passions. I’m proud of you for being courageous enough to pursue your dream. This brings me to your album, It’s My Time. Let’s talk about how this project came about, who’s featured on it, and the inspiration behind it. Well, RiShon O’Del, a bassist who plays with Brian Culbertson, produced my CD. This was the third CD we made together. I told him that I wanted to include some classic standards like “My Funny Valentine,” “Summertime,” “Blue Skies,” and “Killing Me Softly,” along with a few original songs. “The album features special guests including RiShon Odel, Jessica Pina, Kenny Hawkins, Brent Birkhead, Jesse Thompson and a duet with Mick Hayes” 


DeeAnn, it’s truly vital for an artist to perform the songs that resonate deeply with them, and it seems you’ve made that choice beautifully! I’m curious, what sparked your journey into becoming a professional singer? “I auditioned for a solo in the High School Swing Choir. After hearing my voice amplified through the auditorium speakers, I was hooked. I recorded a few singles throughout the years. When I met my producer, RiShon Odel, he encouraged me to record an entire album. My first two CDs were more focused on original material. A lot happened in a short span of time during the production of those albums. I lost my brother, went through a divorce, and then in 2021, while we were recording the third CD, another tragedy struck—I lost my son in a motorcycle accident. 


I am truly sorry for your losses. I can’t fathom the depth of the pain you felt during those times and the sorrow that remains in your heart for your son. I pray that you will continue to find strength in God as you navigate through the rough moments. Thank you, Gina. 


You’re welcome. God bless you, DeeAnn. Thank you. So, we were recording, and I just had to stop. I didn’t know what to do at that point—I just needed the strength to get up in the morning. 


Let’s discuss your remarkable son and the profound influence he had during his time on this planet, as he embraced his extraordinary purpose. Thank you. My son was 23. He was such a driven, smart young man, and my daughter—who just turned 24—is equally remarkable. 


Before I continue with my story, I want to say how much I appreciate what I’ve read about you. You are outspoken about your faith in God, and I was looking forward to talking to you because of that. That’s exactly where I’m at in my life. I’ve always had faith, but I’ll be honest—it was shaken deeply after what happened to my son.  


I was angry, but one day, I realized I had to make a choice. I had to accept that this was God’s will for now. Then I asked myself, “What am I going to do with this experience?” The alternative was to give up entirely, so I asked God, “What do you want me to do with this now?”  


So, I jumped back into playing and finished the CD. My producer suggested we do a release event for the new CD, “It’s My Time.” I said I wanted to do a fundraiser, something in honor of my son. 

When he got the flyer made, it mentioned that the proceeds would go to the “William Michael Tompkins Scholarship.” That’s when I realized, “I don’t even have a scholarship set up yet!”  But that lit a fire under me, and I couldn’t figure out what I wanted to do. 


My son went to Canisius High School in Buffalo, a top Catholic, Jesuit, independent college-preparatory school. During his junior year, he went on a mission trip to Nicaragua. These trips are expensive, and not everyone can afford them, especially while paying for school. So, I decided to start a scholarship and get it endowed so it could help students at Canisius High School. I named it the “William Michael Tompkins Scholarship.” 


Wow, that’s beautiful! I’m so proud of you, and I’m sure that took incredible courage. Yes, thank you. I was determined to do this and raise the money for it. So far, I’ve raised about $70,000. 


Oh, praise God! What a blessing! God is so good! Yes. I needed $50,000 to get it endowed, which means it’s now a permanent scholarship. I’ve already sent two young men on mission trips to Puerto Rico, and it changed their lives. 


You possess a truly beautiful heart! In the midst of your loss, you are providing others with hope and support. That’s an incredibly generous act. I believe that your compassion will be rewarded by God, even as you face your own challenges. Praying for God’s blessings to be upon you. Awe, thank you. Yes, all of this is giving me so much drive. I’m just going to keep pursuing who I am. I believe my music will touch people, my scholarship fund will honor my son, and I’ll continue being there for my daughter. I’ve decided this is what William’s doing for me until it’s my time. Like the title of my album says, “It’s My Time.” Yes, it’s my time, and God is calling. 


What an incredibly touching story! I truly appreciate you sharing it with us. My heartfelt condolences go out to you for everything you’ve endured. I believe that even in our toughest moments, there’s a divine way of guiding us to help others. It’s often through our own pain that we gain insight into the struggles of those around us, allowing us to connect and empathize in profound ways. 

You know, DeeAnn, there is healing in reaching out to others to encourage those who may not be where you are. And the fact that you can spread that love to other young men who need someone to care about them or be a mother figure in their life might not have been something you would have thought about doing before.  

We may not always understand why things happen the way they do, but we must trust that good can emerge from every situation, even if it benefits someone else. As life continues, we must continue living even in the face of tragedy. I used to tell my son, you have just two choices: you can either choose to live or choose to die. He would say, “Mom, it’s not that simple,” I’d respond, “But it truly is. You can either surrender or keep pushing forward.” Life is tough, and nobody has guaranteed us an easy journey. We all face challenges and difficult times. What truly matters is how we respond to those challenges; that is what defines us. Oh, that’s beautiful. You’re awesome. I knew I liked you as soon as I started reading about you. The advice you gave your son is exactly what I needed to hear for myself. I struggled with the thought of continuing without my son, but I knew I had to keep living for my daughter.  

Life is something we can’t control. Every day, I pray and ask God, “Please fill me with your Holy Spirit. Show me what you want me to do with my voice. Should I keep singing? What do you want me to do with my heart, my talent, my mind? Where do you want me to go?” It was either that or give up, and giving up was never an option for me. My son, who I know is always sending me signs, is so proud of me.  

Beautiful DeeAnn, you will be reunited with him one day. When I lost my dad, I knew he was in the best hands and that I would see him again. Now, I have a responsibility here on earth—to carry the torch for my dad. And now it’s your time to carry the torch for your baby. Together, we’ll carry their torches, make them proud, and do the things we know they would want us to do. We’ll finish the work that God has for us while we’re here. And one of these days, we’ll be reunited with them. This is just a temporary separation. Oh yeah. My son was a bodybuilder, so I actually got into bodybuilding myself. Now, I train three days a week. I even competed in his honor and actually won a medal. 


Oh wow. I’m so proud of you! Congratulations! Thank you. It was all in honor of him. After I competed, I didn’t want to stop. Competing again wasn’t something I needed to do—I achieved my goal in William’s honor. But I decided to continue with my bodybuilding training, and I’ve kept at it. 

Kenmore Barbell & Fitness, one of the places where he trained, held a fundraiser in his memory, and we raised $5,000. All people had to do was come in and lift a weight. Bodybuilders came out in support, and it was amazing to see. 


I can’t express how proud I am of you! The journey hasn’t been a walk in the park, and I know there will be tough days ahead. Yet, every step you’ve taken and your determination to push through is truly remarkable! And to top it all off, you’ve completed your fantastic CD. What an achievement! Can you share with our readers where they can buy your music? Sure! My first CD is “Desperately Seeking DeeAnn,” which includes two duets with my father. My second CD is called “Stay Here,” and the one that’s out right now  It’s My Time.” On this latest CD, I included a song that I used to sing to my son, “You Are My Sunshine.” 


All my music is available on online platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, and so forth. You can also visit my website, which has everything, including live videos and the option to buy physical copies of my CDs. The website is deeannmusic.com


That’s wonderful! And one last question: there are so many up-and-coming independent artists who are still trying to figure things out. What words of wisdom would you give them to encourage them? One of the most important things is to be authentic. Be yourself. Don’t try to imitate anyone else. I always learn from others who are doing better than me, and I’m happy for them because I know how hard they’ve worked to get there. But I stay true to myself. Never give up on your dream, no matter your age or what’s going on in your life. Even if your dream changes a little or you need to put it on pause, stay around like-minded people. Surround yourself with positivity. Rejection is inevitable, so you need to believe in yourself. If someone doesn’t like you or your work, that’s okay—try again. I always remind myself that the answer is always “no” if you don’t ask. For believers, like us, I always say, “Give it to God.” Ask God, “Is this Your will? Do You want me to do this?” If the answer is yes, I go for it with everything I have. 


Yes, absolutely. DeeAnn, it’s been such a privilege and blessing to talk to you. I have so much respect for you, and I’m so proud of your journey. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I’m proud that you’ve pressed on and are making the best of it. Most of all, I’m proud that you didn’t give up on the Lord because God loves you so much. I’m honored to write this article for you, to share your music, and to support you in any way I can. I pray that God blesses the work of your hands according to His will for your life. I pray that He blesses your family, opens doors for you, and brings wonderful people into your life who will encourage and support you. I pray that the Lord gives you discernment, so you’ll know which doors to walk through and which ones to avoid. I’m proud of every milestone and achievement you’ve made. Once again, it’s an absolute honor to serve you today. It’s an absolute honor to be here. Thank you so much; I feel your sincerity, and I’m so grateful. I can’t tell you how excited I was for this interview today. 


That’s God! Yes, that’s God. 


God bless you, and thank you again for this interview. 

God bless you so much. 


Thank you. Signing off from the UK! (Laughs)  Signing off from Buffalo! (Laughs) 





All photos of DeeAnn DiMeo are by Brianna Blank and are courtesy of DeeAnn DiMeo